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Prof. Akinwande group - University of Texas at Austin, US

Prof. Stefano Lupi - TeraLab, University Rome "La Sapienza", Italy

Prof. Emiliano Bonera - Lassem, University of Milan Bicocca, Italy

Prof. Li Tao, Southeast University, PRC

Prof. Michael Grove - California State University, Fullertone, US

Image by Markus Spiske

Parallel Activities

Along with XFab, other directions for 2D materials beyond graphene

coordinated by Alessandro Molle


The TMD research line

Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) like MoS2 are one of the more feasible 2D platform for nanotechnology. They can be utilized in nanoelectronics (eithr for logic and memory devices as well as for flexible electronics), optolectronics, photonics, chemical and bio- sensing, energy and hydrogen evolution reaction, etc. The big challenge for the TMD production is the large-scale synthesis. We address this issue by a cost-effective furnace-based chemical vapor deposition (CVD) approach starting from a solid film precursor of the transition metal on a substrate (for more details see here). This approach enables us to have large area, conformal and thickness controlled TMD nanosheets that can be used as building blocks for van der Waal heterostructures. Scalable TMD samples targets implementation in the PRIN (national) project aStar (local contact: Alessio Lamperti) and H2020 ICT Project Challenges (local contacts: Christian Martella).  Target applications are: ultra-scaled field effect transistors, hybrid heterostructures for light emitting diodes and photovoltaic cells. 


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