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Scientific board

Alessandro Molle

Principal Investigator

MSc (Physics) and PhD (Materials Science) from the Univ. of Genoa, the ERC-COG 2017 grantee, and Senior Researcher at the CNR-IMM, Agrate Unit. From 2011, mostly involved in 2D Xenes, and scalable production schemes for 2D TMDs. Technically specialized in nanomaterials synthesis (MBE, CVD) and advanced characterization. Co-editor of a CRC book about 2D materials for nanoelectronics in 2016 and a Elsevier book about the Xenes on 2022. Connected to STMicroelectronics-Agrate with a Research Contract and to UniMib for PhD course teaching. 

More on Scholar or ORCID.

Follow me on X: @AlessandroMolle  


Skype ID: alessandro_molle


Key Investigator

earned Ph.D. from University of Milano-Bicocca in 2014 defending a thesis on the scanning tunneling microscopy investigation of III-V semiconductors and new 2D nanolattices. Currently post-doc fellow at CNR-IMM unit of Agrate Brianza. Since 2011, key-investigator of molecular beam epitaxy and scanning probe microscopy tasks in EU projects on the synthesis and integration of Xenes into devices.

More on Scholar and ORCID.

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Key Investigator

graduated in Physics in 2009 from the University of Pisa and he earned his Ph.D in Nanotechnology in 2013 from the University of Genoa. Focused on the study of light-matter interaction at the nanoscale in plasmonic and dielectric structures. In 2015, he joined the 2D-material group at CNR-IMM unit of Agrate-Brianza unit working on the growth and characterization of transition metal dichalcogenides.

More on Scholar or ORCID.



Key Investigator

M.Eng.(Nuclear Engineering) and Ph.D. (Radiation Science and Technology) at Politecnico di Milano is research engineer at CNR-IMM. Expert in advanced structural and physical-chemical characterization of superlattices, thin films, layers and 2D nanosheets (MoS2) by means of X-Ray scattering techniques (XRR, GIXRD) and analytical methods (XPS, FT-IR, Raman Spectroscopy, ToF-SIMS). Connected to STMicroelectronics-Agrate for a Research Contract and to PoliMi for seminars in PhD courses.

More on Scholar or ORCID,


Skype ID: alex_ba3709


Daya Sagar Dhungana

Post-Doc Fellow

joined CNR-IMM MDM Agrate Brianza in 2019 as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow within Dr. Molle’s ERC Project “XFab”. Currently focused on the Epitaxy and In-situ Characterization of Xenes; responsible for the general operations of recently installed LAB10 MBE system. Former PhD student in LAAS-CNRS, France on the epitaxy of InAs and BiSb nanowires on Silicon for nanoelectronics applications; awarded doctorate in Micro and Nano Systems from the Univ. Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier in 2018.  Engineering and  a MSc degree  from Nepal (Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, Lalitpur) and France ( Univ. de Lyon, France). Contact: 

Pinakapani Tummala

PhD Student

Pinakapani Tummala is the key operator of the CVD system at the Agrate unit of the CNR-IMM and he is in charge of developping processes for the TMD synthesis. He is attending an international PhD studentship in joint collaboration between CNR-IMM Agrate, Cattolica Università di Brescia, and KU-Leuven. He graduated in Material Science and Nanotechnology from Politecnico di Milano (Milano, Italy) in 2019 with a master thesis on "Large Area Growth of monolayer MoS2 nanosheets using Chemical Vapor Deposition" under the supervision of  Dr. Alessio Lamperti and Prof. Luca Giampaolo Nobili, in CNR-IMM Unit of Agrate Brianza. Contact:

Chiara Massetti

PhD Student

Graduated in Condensed Matter Physics from the University of Pisa in 2020, she is a PhD student in Materials Science and Nanotechnology at Università of Milano-Bicocca. She joined the 2D-material group at CNR-IMM unit of Agrate Brianza on a project focused on Xene device nanofabrication.Her research activity is mainly based on cleanroom nanofabrication techniques, with a particular interest in optical and electron beam lithography. In XFab she is committed to develop processing schemes for the integration of Xenes in device patterns. Contact:

Sara Ghomi

PhD Student

Sara Ghomi is currently pursuing a PhD in Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology at CNR-IMM and Polytechnic of Milan. She holds a MSc degree in nanotechnologies for ICTs, from the Polytechnic of Turin in 2021. The focus of her master was the chemical vapor deposition of ultra-thin MoTe2. Her research interests include CVD growth of 2D tellurides and tellurene, and their surface investigation using AFM, KPFM, EFM, C-AFM. Contact:

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